Open Access Publishing Public Peer-Review Two-Stage Publication Process Worldwide Archiving + Indexing
Open Access Publishing & Public Peer-Review Martin Rasmussen Copernicus Publications | March 2012
Content Copernicus Publications What is Gold OA? Reasons for Gold OA Creative Commons Attribution License Costs of OA Publishing Financing through Publication Charges Other Business Models Where does the Money come from? What about the Poor and the Start up Phase? What about the Quality?
Copernicus Publications 1988 Foundation of the Copernicus Gesellschaft Conferences 1994 Copernicus Publications, first (niche) journal 2001 first Open Access journal OA transformation of the other journals until 2004 (2008) 2011: 25 Open Access journals and 14 access-reviewed scientific discussion forums 120,000 pages and 5,000 papers published in 2011 Based in Göttingen, 35 employees Co-founder of OASPA
What is Gold OA? Green OA is free access to pre- or postprints Gold OA provides free access to the article source (e.g. journal) Gold OA includes the financing of peer-review, publication & archiving Investigation of content from 30k journals (ISI and Scopus) 26% OA content 14% green – 12% gold
Reasons for Gold OA? Gold OA finances OA and the peer-review 49% Publishers with no or non-peer-reviewed OA content (Sherpa/Romeo) Gold OA as alternative to the subscription crisis STM Subscriptions increased by 400% in 20 years Green OA needs subscriptions Copyright stays with the author Creative Commons License Unlimited distribution and archiving/delivering
Creative Commons Attribution License Anyone is free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work to Remix to adapt the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. The original authors must be given credit.
Cost Savings I: Subscription Management Cost Savings II: Print/Storage Offset Costs of OA Publishing Free is ambiguous. We mean free for readers, not free for producers (Budapest OA Initiative)
Value of an Article Hindawi 500–1,100 Copernicus 500–1,200 BioMed Central500–1,700 PLoS900–2,000 Springer Open Choice: 2,000 (3,000 $)
Financing through Publication Charges Author-pay model Page vs. Article Charges Submission vs. Publication Charges Extra charges for supplements, colour, article length
Other Business Models Hybrid model Subscription journal with OA to articles extra fee Springer Open Choice 2,000 double payment? 20% of Gold OA in subscription journals Community-fee model Institutional ownership/sponsorship 70% OA journals without fees
Where does the Money come from? Research budgets (author – employer) Explicit publication charges Implicit from overheads Institutional memberships (institution – publisher) Pre-payment Budget Payment per Article Copernicus: MPG, CNRS, SUB Funding agencies (author – agency) DFG 750 per year FWF, SNF
When a scientist doesn't have a subscription, he or she can nonetheless get information about the article When a scientist doesn't have the funds to publish an article, the article does not appear Thats more than an inconvenience. (John Ewing, Nature) Charges are not new STM and America What about the Poor and the Start up Phase? Poorer countries Subscription based: no access but publication Gold OA: access but no publication Explicit budget to subsidize authors 10% pages at Copernicus Publications To be assigned by the chief editors OA Start up Charges upon establishment ISI SCIE Subsidization of 2-3 years Average journal: 45k to 75k
OA has the Potential to enhance the Quality! Submitted manuscripts can be OA Reviewer reports can be OA Manuscripts can be discussed OA The accepted publication can be OA What about the Quality?
Author Author Comments 5 Public Peer-Review & Interactive Public Discussion Editor Scientific Community Short Comments 5 1 st Stage (Discussion Forum) Author 1 1. Submission Referees 2 2. Access Review 3 3. Technical Corrections Discussion Paper 4 4. Publication as D-paper 5 Referee Comments 5. Discussion Comments 6 6. Revision 7 Editor 7. Revised Submission 8 8. Peer-Review Completion 9 Final Revised Paper 2 nd Stage (Journal) 9. Final Revised Publication
Advantages of Public Peer-Review & Discussion Rapid AND Thorough Rapid publication as discussion paper Thorough peer-review by discussion & revision Win for Authors, Reviewers & Readers Direct feedback & public recognition for authors; Higher quality submissions save reviewer capacities; Documentation of the review for readers.
Thank you very much for your Attention! Martin Rasmussen