Chapter 17 section 2 (Humanistic Therapy) Anthony R. Jackson Jr. Sheila Andino TreShawn Jackson Antonio Vega John Sanders
Humanistic Therapy Humanistic Therapy-Focuses on the value, dignity, and worth of each person; holds that healthy living is the result of realizing one’s full potential. Client-centered therapy-Reflects the belief that the client and therapist are partners in therapy.
Humanistic Therapy (Cont.) Rather than focus upon what was wrong in the patient’s life, other therapists developed a different approach, called Humanistic Therapy intending to help patients fulfill their highest potential.
Client-centered therapy Client-centered therapy or person-centered therapy is based on the theories of Carl Rogers (1951, 1977). It grows their self-actualization.
Techniques of Client-centered therapy Nondirective therapy- the free flow of images and ideas, with no particular direction. Active listening- empathetic listening; a listener acknowledges, restates, and clarifies the speakers thoughts and concerns.
Techniques of Client-centered therapy Cont. Unconditional positive regard- a therapist consistent expression of acceptance of the patient, no matter what the patient says and does.
Humanistic Research During the 1950’s, Humanistic psychology began as a reaction to psychoanalysis and behaviorism which dominated psychology at the time being. Humanist thinkers felt that both psychoanalysis and behaviorism were either focusing on tragic emotions or failing to take the role of personal choice.