Review colonial stuff
2.2II Clashes between European and American Indian social and economic values caused changes in both cultures.
A. Continuing contact with Europeans increased the flow of trade goods and diseases into and out of native communities, stimulating cultural and demographic changes.
Puritans vs. Indians Early 1600s, epidemic among the Wampanoag Killed over 75% of tribe Tried to befriend British Squanto Massassoit
Pequot War 1637 English settlers pushing inland English troops and Narragansett Indians slaughtered village
Attempt to resist English encroachment Indian alliance 1675- Metacom (King Philip) Strategy Affects
C. By supplying American Indian allies with deadlier weapons and alcohol and by rewarding Indian military actions, Europeans helped increase the intensity and destructiveness of American Indian warfare.
B. Spanish colonizing efforts in North America, particularly after the Pueblo Revolt, saw an accommodation with some aspects of American Indian culture; by contrast, conflict with American Indians tended to reinforce English colonists’ worldviews on land and gender roles. Praying towns
Praying towns Indians were gathered by the British in New England “To make the acquaintance of the English God and to learn the ways of English culture” “Christianized” To which Spanish system is this similar??????????????????????????????
Effects of praying towns/mission societies Polyglot communities Blurred boundaries Erased culture
Review of terms
Separatists vs. non-separatists
“visible saints”
Mayflower Compact
John Winthrop
City on a Hill
Anne Hutchinson
Roger Williams
Discuss the continuity and change over time regarding European-Indian relationships.