Nutrition & Wellness 2013-2014 Cooking Terms Quiz
Directions Get a lined piece of paper Title “Cooking Terms Quiz” Write your name, date, hour on the top right. Number your paper 1 – 25 down the left margin. Answers will be A, B, or C only I will read each question and answer twice. I will not repeat it again. No talking. If you have a question wait until the end of the quiz. Hand your quiz to Ms. Pilant.
1. Ingredients The foods in the recipe The amount the recipe makes The step-by-step directions in a recipe
2. Pare A type of fruit To use a peeler or knife to remove a thin layer of peel from fruits or vegetables. To cut food into long thin strips.
3. Stew To cook slowly a long time in liquid To cook quickly in a saucepot A type of soup
4. Mince To cut food into small pieces To take short quick steps To cut food as small as possible
5. Amounts The foods in the recipe How much you need of each ingredient How many servings there are in a recipe
6. Puree To use only the best ingredients. To stir food until it is completely mixed. To process food so that it becomes a smooth, thick mass.
7. Barbeque To cook meat slowly over indirect heat basting often. To use a spicy barbeque sauce. To cook food over a grill
8. Dice To cut into ¼ inch cubes To cut into 1 inch cubes A small cube with each side having a different number of spots on it
9. Sauté To cook with a sauce. To cook uncovered in a small amount of fat in a frying pan. To cook over direct heat.
10. Slice To remove the skin from a fruit or vegetable. To cut into shreds with a grater. To cut into thin, flat pieces.
11. Cut in To gently combine foods that have air beaten into them. To beat rapidly with a mixer or whisk. To mix fat and flour together using a pastry blender.
12. Cream To mix together with a spoon or whisk. To beat ingredients together until soft, smooth and lighter in color. To mix ingredients together thoroughly.
13. Preheat The amount of heat needed to prepare food. Cook food in an oven. To turn on an appliance ahead of time until it reaches the desired temperature.
14. Boil When a liquid is heated where bubbles rise constantly and break on the surface. To heat a liquid to the point where small bubbles break before they reach the surface. When the liquid in a pot overflows onto the stove.
15. Simmer When a liquid is heated where bubbles rise constantly and break on the surface. To heat a liquid to the point where small bubbles break before they reach the surface. When the liquid in a pot overflows onto the stove.
16. Garnish To decorate food or a dish with a small, colorful food. To leave something out of a recipe. To boil rapidly.
17. Marinate To remove excess liquid by pouring it into a colander. To brush a liquid or sauce onto a food. To soak in a seasoned liquid to add flavor and/or to tenderize.
18. Grease To spread a thin layer of fat on a cooking surface or pan Another word for fat or oil The fat that is left over after roasting meat.
19. Baste To soak in a seasoned liquid to add flavor and/or to tenderize. To pour or brush liquid over food as it cooks. To cover food with a coating of crumbs.
20. Chill To be calm when you are cooking To take something from the refrigerator or freezer Refrigerate until cold
21. Bread To cover a food with a dry ingredient To make a sandwich To cover food with crumbs
22. Sift To whip air into wet ingredients. To incorporate air into dry ingredients To toss lightly
23. Knead The ingredients that you knead in a recipe. To mix ingredients thoroughly until they are completely uniform. To work dough by folding, pressing, and turning until it is smooth and elastic.
24. Steam To bring liquid to a boil. To cook over boiling liquid. To whip ingredients together until light and fluffy.
25. Recipe A guide to help you prepare a certain food. How much you need of each ingredient. The amount of servings.
Bonus 26. Define: julienne cut (food) into short, thin strips. 27. Define: poach to cook gently in simmering liquid (like an egg)
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