S.E.E.D. 1 Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity Please sign in March’s Theme: Beyond Tolerance Essential Question: How do our attitudes related to sexual orientation and gender influence our role as educators? Essential Vocabulary: heterosexism, homophobia, tolerance, acceptance, support, LGBT
Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price – small group sharing What key ideas did you connect with? What was surprising? What did you learn?? What questions do you still have?
Terms… Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Homophobia Heterosexism
Wheel of Oppression Ageism Sexism Racism Classism Heterosexism Others? Religious Oppression Ableism
Homework part 2… Which article resonated most with you? It’s OK to Be Neither Teaching Tolerance or Attacking Religion (NEA Today 5/06) Teaching Tolerance (NEA Today 4/05) Jamie Nabozny’s letter The Yellow Star and the Pink Triangle Which article resonated most with you? Discuss these with your small group. (Remember the DOTC – at least once around the circle to begin)
Break! Enjoy the food – thanks to Lana & Laurie…
Lisa & Brent Vanderlinden Gretchen & Tom Murr PFLAG Guest Speakers Lisa & Brent Vanderlinden Gretchen & Tom Murr PFLAG
Scenario Activity One group member chooses a paper from the envelope. Read the scenario to your group, then tell what you would do. After the original person speaks, the rest of the group can discuss the scenario. Repeat with other members…
Homework for April Next Meeting 4/15/14 Read: Chapter 5 & 6 in We Can’t Teach… After reading, journal about the following prompts: How are tensions about race and “whiteness” manifested in your school/setting? Among faculty? Administration? Parents? Students? What is the relationship between White Identity Orientation and student success? For your colleagues who are very effective at teaching across differences, how did they grow to that place of skill and competence? Write your racial autobiography. What can you recall about the events and conversations related to race, race relations, and/or racism that may have impacted your current perspectives and/or experiences. (see sample) Find your “favorite” definition of racism by April 14 and enter it on the SEED blog (I will send an email reminder…)