Glory of Ancient Rome The Fall of Rome Chapter 9, Section 3
From Good Rule to Bad Emperor Constantine (312-337 AD) strongly encouraged the spread of Christianity. Historians debate whether he had a religious experience. It is believed the Roman Empire started to fall when Commodus inherited the throne. 180 AD
From Good Rule to Bad Commodus was 18 when he inherited the throne. He allowed others to act on his behalf. They sought to destroy the senate. Was assassinated in 192 AD.
The Empire Crumbles Doesn’t seem to be one cause for the fall. The government became weak and corrupt. Many emperors were generals who stole money and bribed people to be loyal. Over a 100 year period, Rome had 29 emperors. Most were assassinated.
The Empire Crumbles Initially, the Roman army was made up of citizens ready to fight for their country. Now the army was mostly mercenaries. Mercenaries – foreign soldiers who serve for pay. The size of the empire was also a problem. Many conquered lands regained their independence.
The Empire Crumbles The amount of money coming in disappeared, food was scarce, taxes got higher. The government produced more coins, which caused inflation. There were efforts to stop the decline. Led by Diocletian.
The Empire Crumbles Diocletian divided the Empire into two parts and he ruled one of them. Seven years later, Constantine took control of a split Rome in 312 AD. Constantine took the Western part of the Empire. The Eastern Part was temporarily split into two. A year later, the Eastern part was reunited.
The Empire Crumbles In 313, a decree was made proclaiming freedom of worship for all people. Rome would no longer persecute the Christians. Property taken from them was returned. Christianity would soon become the official religion of the Roman Empire. In 324, Constantine won control of the entire Roman Empire. Found out the Eastern part continued to persecute Christians.
The Empire Crumbles Constantine saw his victory as further proof that the Christian God was working through him. During his reign, he strengthened the Christian church. He helped with building churches.
The Empire Crumbles In 330 AD, he moved the capital to Byzantium. Later, it became known as Constantinople. “The city of Constantine.”
Invasions and Collapse Constantine struggled to keep the empire together. After his death, Invaders attacked. They were the northern tribes. Now known as the Germanic tribes.
Invasions and Collapse In 410 AD, One tribe, the Visgoths, captured and looted Rome. In 455 AD, another tribe, the Vandals, took Rome. This is where the word vandals originated. The last emperor, Romulus Augustulus, age 14, stepped down in 476 AD, and the Western part never was ruled again.
Invasions and Collapse In 410 AD, One tribe, the Visgoths, captured and looted Rome. In 455 AD, another tribe, the Vandals, took Rome. This is where the word vandals originated. The last emperor, Romulus Augustulus, age 14, stepped down in 476 AD, and the Western part never was ruled again.
Invasions and Collapse Constantinople remained strong, but became the capital of another empire. The Byzantine Empire made the city its center for 1000 years.
St. Peter’s in Rome
St. Peter’s in Rome
St. Peter’s in Rome
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