8th Advanced Science Be respectful. Be successful. Contact Information Class Materials Mrs. Calderone scalderone@mcpss.com Room Number 523 251-221-2344 http://mrscalderonescience.weebly.com/ For this course, you will need the following resources: Pencils Binder Colored Pencils Loose-Leaf Paper Highlighters Calculator (not mandatory but trust me, you are going to want one) Curriculum and Expectations In 8th grade science we will be covering topics in both chemistry and physics. The first half of the year will focus more on physics and the second half of the year will cover topics in chemistry. Some example topics that will be covered this year include atoms, Newton’s Laws, periodic table, density, electromagnetics, chemical equations, calculating speed, and energy. Science this year is more of a physical science rather than life science or earth science. Be respectful. Be successful. Grading & Policies 60% This includes tests and projects. 10% This includes bell ringers, notebooks, and homework. Make-up Policy: You may make up any missed assignments within one week of the students return. Missed bell ringers are to be copied from another student. Check the missed work box in the front of the room for any other assignments missed. It is the responsibility of the student to make up any missed quizzes or tests. 30% This includes quizzes and exit slips.
Mrs. Calderone Be respectful. Be successful. Technology We will be utilizing various resources to access the Internet to research, review material, and submit assignments. Some of this work may need to be completed at home. You must hold yourselves to high expectations when you use these resources. Your time must be spent well. Unless I specifically say that you may have your cell phones out, you must keep them away at all times. If I see your cell phone out in class without permission from me then you will be written up. Retest and Make-up Policy If a student makes below a 70 on a test, then that student has the opportunity to retake that test. The retake test must be taken within one week of receiving the failing test grade. This only applies to tests, not projects. Make-up tests can be retaken within one week of the students return to school. This will need to take place during PE on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Academic Dishonesty All work that you submit must be your own work. You may not do any of the following: Turn in or copy someone else’s work. Copy someone’s work and change a few of the words. Copying words from a source without citing it and giving credit to the source. Attempt to use any notes on a closed-note assignment. Look at someone else’s work during an quiz, test, or otherwise individual assessment. If you are doing any of the above or anything else that constitutes cheating, you will receive a zero on that assignment, and you will be referred for discipline. You will not be allowed to redo the assignment or test. Other Policies Please raise your hand to speak. Do not interrupt valuable instruction to ask to go to the bathroom. Please wait for an appropriate time. Come prepared to class with your materials and a positive attitude. I do not loan materials. Be respectful to everyone. Clean up after yourself. Respect the property in the classroom. Be an active participant in the classroom. Be respectful. Be successful.