CHAPTER 7 The Verbal Code
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis “Human beings do not live in the objective world alone…but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society.” ~ Sapir Principle 1: linguistic determinism Principle 2: linguistic relativity
Verbal Codes Phonemes Morphemes Symbol Syntax Universal grammar
Universals of Language Speech is transmitted via vocal-auditory channel. Speech sounds emit from their source of origin. Speech is transitory. Speech is interchangable. Speech is specialized. Speech can be displaced. Speech can be false. Speech is reflexive. Speakers can learn other languages.
Generative Grammar From a finite set of sounds and a finite set of rules, speakers of any language can create an infinite number of sentences. Syntax can free the mind to create new words and sentences.
Elaborated and Restricted Codes Language vs. speech Language symbolizes what is possible. Speech symbolizes what actually occurs. Restricted code—options to what speakers can say or do verbally are limited. Elaborated code—speakers can choose from among a variety of linguistic options to communicate.
Direct and Indirect Styles Direct styles—overt expressions of intention. Assert self-face needs Examples: U.S., England, Germany, Israel. Indirect styles—speakers intents are hidden or only hinted at in interaction. Prevents face threats to either speaker. Examples: Japan and France.
Communication Styles Elaborate Exacting Succinct
Personal and Contextual Styles Personal—communication that amplifies the individual identity of the speaker. Contextual—communication that accentuates and highlights one’s role identity and status.
Instrumental and Affective Styles Instrumental—sender based and goal-outcome based. Affective—receiver based and process oriented.
American Speech and Dialects Standard English Appalachian English Cajun English R-Less Dialects California English Texas English Midwest