Entertainment Products & Marketing
Entertaining Products Media-based Entertainment Goods Films on DVD and video Music on DVD and CDs Video and electronic games Books and magazines Toys T-shirts Concessions
Entertaining Products Media-based Entertainment Services Television shows Movies in theaters Concert performances Theater performances
Entertaining Products Recreation-based Entertainment Services Amusement parks Zoos Museums Snack-bars
Film and Music Merchandising Theatres provide media-based services. Theatres also provide concessions - snack-bars that sell popcorn, soda, and candy and now french fries, pizza, frozen yoghurt, etc.
Film and Music Merchandising Evergreens are important to the film industry evergreens films or products that are popular year after year
Music CDs and Distribution Record/music clubs organizations in which members receive free records if they agree to purchase additional records within a time period rack jobbers independent vendors who distribute, price, and control their own inventory within a store
Electronics and Video Games Cross-marketing in video game distribution is common. Common tie-ins include: Films Music Sports Merchandise
Special Entertainment Events Special entertainment events provide entertainment services. Circuses, state fairs, pageants, ice shows Each event supplies a venue for selling related entertainment products. Concessions and souvenirs
Marketing Television syndication selling television programs to individual stations, not networks a great source of revenue for studios and networks. programming the schedule, or times, for broadcasting shows on television; or on radio, also the music style and playlist
Marketing the Music jingle a catchy tune or song that promotes a product and accompanies television, radio, or Internet advertisements ad campaign a promotional plan that combines selling, advertising, public relations, and the use of different media to reach the target market