Mole and Stoichiometry Review
Evaluation/Assessment: Objective: Today I will be able to: Apply material learned during the stoichiometry unit to an exam review Evaluation/Assessment: Informal assessment – Listening to student responses during the review activity Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to the exit ticket Common Core Connection Build Strong Content Knowledge Reason abstractly and quantitatively Make sense of problem and persevere in solving them Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Lesson Sequence Evaluate: Warm – Up Evaluate: Stoichiometry practice problems Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Warm - Up What is the difference between an empirical and a molecular formula? Give an example of each. What is the percent composition of P in Mg3(PO4)2?
Objective Today I will be able to: Apply material learned during the stoichiometry unit to an exam review
Homework Study for the Stoichiometry exam tomorrow
Agenda Warm – Up Mole and Stoichiometry Review Practice Exit Ticket
Mole and Stoichiometry Stations
Stations Travel to the stations Answer the questions there. When you are done, put the question back in the folder Check your answers on the blue sheets
Exit Ticket What questions do you have about the exam tomorrow?