Thank you for taking the time to view this electronic resume Thank you for taking the time to view this electronic resume. Viewing will take approximately five minutes. The program will run on its own from here on.
E-Resume of Holly K. Anthony Hello. My name is Holly Anthony and this is my e-resume. The following pages outline my teaching philosophy and some of my qualifications.
Don't tell anyone but . . . I’m actually her sister-in-law’s cat Goldberry. She wanted you to have a warm and fuzzy feeling – so here I am! As you can see, I do try to stay on top of the news, but because I don’t have any thumbs, it’s difficult to turn the pages.
WHAT DOES LITERACY LOOK LIKE IN MY CLASSROOM? You will see the following methods employed in my classroom throughout the course of the year’s instruction: 6 + 1 Traits o..\Resume File\Literacy Music.midf Writing Step Up to Writing Reading Response Logs Interactive Writing Reader’s/Writer’s Workshops Shared/Guided Reading Daily Independent Reading Read Aloud
Literacy (cont.) BALANCED INTEGRATED I use whole group instruction to introduce major concepts and ideas and to help determine ability groupings. I use small group/individual instruction to accommodate different learning styles, to scaffold and provide additional support for struggling students, and to provide additional depth in order to challenge high achievers. INTEGRATED I incorporate literacy into and support the content areas of science and social studies by using the curriculum to help teach the following: Expository text features Identifying important facts Note taking Writing to inform Fact-based fiction writing
Numeracy Instructional Approach: In concert with traditional approaches, I support an investigational methodology to learning mathematical principals, multiple methods to an outcome, as well as a spiraling approach to concept reinforcement and mastery. I utilize the following methods to teach number sense and computational skills: New and major concepts introduced through whole-class instruc-tion Supported in-class investigation and practice through small group and/or individual instruction Self-paced progress toward completion of required work At home reinforcement for all students at appropriate level More challenging materials and/or accelerated pacing for high achieving students
Differentiation Differentiation is assisting all students to achieve their highest potential in their own way. I strive to meet the student at his/her level and work to ensure that he/she demonstrates the full extent of his/her abilities. In addi-tion to the methods identified earlier, I utilize the follow-ing strategies to help accomplish this goal: Draw from the grade above to challenge high achieving stu-dents and from the grade below to accommodate struggling students Provide students with alternative methods of demonstrat-ing understanding (e.g., oral, artistic, or performance) Adjust the quantity or the depth of the material Multi-ability grouping and peer mentoring
Thank You! Holly K. Anthony 12249 Pine Vista Trail Parker, CO 80138 (303) 840-9659