Macromolecules “giant molecules” Many molecules in cells are so large Formed by polymerization- where small compounds are joined to make large compounds Smaller units, monomers, join to form these large compounds called polymers 4 groups of organic compounds in living things are: lipids carbohydrates protein nucleic acids Lets Call the Police Now!!! Monomer (one piece) Polymerization (putting a puzzle together) Polymer (many pieces together)
Lipids are mostly C and H atoms, but very little O’s Common terms that mean lipids: fatty acids Examples: butter, lard, cooking oils Some are steroids, others are used for energy storage, biological membranes, waterproof coverings, insulation, protective coverings, lubrication
Carbohydrates: C, H, O in a 1:2:1 ratio Common terms: glucose, starch Carbs are our main source of energy. Examples: Monosaccharide (simple carbs): single sugars; glucose, cake, candy, fruits Polysaccharides (complex carbs): large molecules; pasta, cereal, rice; breads
Proteins are macromolecules containing C, H, O, N Common terms used: Amino acid Proteins are polymers made of smaller units called amino acids They control rate of reactions and muscle contractions, regulate cell processes, transport oxygen, form bones and muscles, fight diseases Examples:
Nucleic acids contain C, H, O, N, P Are made of nucleotides: 5-C sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base Store & transmit genetic information Examples: DNA and RNA