Creating your multimedia product – setting up pages and navigation
Make a list of problems with this website’s layout Do it now Make a list of problems with this website’s layout Thursday, 23 May 2019
Learning Objective “Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator”. Write this Learning Objective into your books. Thursday, 23 May 2019
Learning Outcomes L4 L5 L6 Thursday, 23 May 2019 make judgements about digital content when evaluating and repurposing it for a given audience. know the audience when I am designing and creating digital content. evaluate the appropriateness of digital devices, internet services and application software to achieve given goals can justify the choice of and independently combine and use multiple digital devices, internet services and application software to achieve given goals evaluate the trustworthiness of digital content and consider the usability of visual design features when designing and creating digital artefacts for known audience. L4 L5 L6 Thursday, 23 May 2019
Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator Directory structure There are standard ways of working with a directory structure for a multimedia product. You must have a root folder which is where you will save all of the content for your product (images, video, animation etc.) All of your directories must be named using lowercase text and there are no spaces in the file name an underscore ( _ ) has been used to separate words. You will notice that all of the files contained in the multimedia_product directory are lowercase and do not include spaces in the file name. You will notice that all of the files associated with the product are included in the folder. This includes images (.png), video (.avi), animation (.swf) and other document types (.pdf). The product itself is contained in the .mdb file. Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator
Setting up your product Set up your directory structure in the same way as the image at the top of the page. Open mediator by going to Start> Restricted > ICT > Mediator 9.0 > Mediator Once you have set up your directory structure watch the video to find out how to set up your project and save it. You will find Mediator under Start > Programs > Restricted > ICT > Mediator 9.0 > Mediator Video is available create_directory_save Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator
Add colour images and text Show students how to: Rename the first page home (right click for menu) 2. Add a logo to the top left of the page 3. Change the colour of the background 4. Add the headline text 5. Save your project Video available:colour_images_text Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator
Setting up your product Show students how to: 1. Add a button to the page text 2. Create a new page and name it 3. Set up your second page so it looks like your first ( you could create a copy of the original page and rename it or use copy and paste on each bit you want to use) 4. Link your page via buttons using the 'Events' window (right click for menu) 5. Run the document to check that everything works 6. Add other relevant buttons to create a navigation bar 7. Save your product Video is available new_page_button_link Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator
Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator Independent Task Over the next term you are going to create a multimedia product to help to inspire new year 7 students just beginning lessons in computing by introducing them to some future technology! Create 5 pages name them page1 – page5 for now, add buttons and link them together. Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator
Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator Extension Task Have a look at some of the videos available in the extension section on Weebly – think about how you could use these in your multimedia product. Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator
“Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator”. Learning Objective “Learn how to create pages and a navigation system in Mediator”. Thursday, 23 May 2019
Learning Outcomes L4 L5 L6 Thursday, 23 May 2019 make judgements about digital content when evaluating and repurposing it for a given audience. know the audience when I am designing and creating digital content. evaluate the appropriateness of digital devices, internet services and application software to achieve given goals can justify the choice of and independently combine and use multiple digital devices, internet services and application software to achieve given goals evaluate the trustworthiness of digital content and consider the usability of visual design features when designing and creating digital artefacts for known audience. L4 L5 L6 Thursday, 23 May 2019