The Power of Partnerships Jody Thomas The Nature Conservancy July 21, 2007
A Tale of 3 Partnerships Layering Protection on the Bass Ranch Protecting Floridas Everglades, Estuaries and its ranchland wetlands Weeds Wont Wait
Lake Wales Ridge LCA (Large-scale Conservation Area)
Restorable Wetlands 480,000±acres of restorable wetlands on grazing lands
Proposed Appraisal Change ''(2) METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF FAIR MARKET VALUE.-The Secretary shall determine the fair market value of land under paragraph (1) based on the option specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) that results in the lowest amount of compensation to be paid by the Secretary: '(A) A percentage of the fair market value based on the Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisals Procedures, as determined by the Secretary. ''(B) A percentage of the market value determined by an area wide market survey. ''(C) A geographic cap, prescribed in regulations issued by the Secretary. ''(D) The offer made by the owner of the land.''
INVASIVE PARTNERSHIPS Attend Sessions Monday to get an in-depth view of Floridas outstanding Invasive Species Partnership! Florida Invasive Species Working Group Leverage Coordination Specific projects like Central Florida Lygodium Strategy
Private Land Incentive Sub Working Group Goals Create a matrix of opportunities for assistance Make recommendations to state to improve coordination of incentive programs or assistance programs to private landowners
–Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, USFWS –DOACS –Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA –The Nature Conservancy –Bureau of Invasive Plant Management, Florida DEP –Palm Beach County ERM –US. Army Corps of Engineers –Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission –Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA –Southwest Florida Water Management District –South Florida Water Management District –Andrea Van-Loan, DOACS
What Did We Learn? We can work together even if our missions are different Working at larger scales provides more benefits– money, ecological function, effective conservation, rural integrity If everyone is at the table, the solutions are better Patience