Nuclear chemistry
Radiation Ionizing- have enough energy to turn atoms into ions ex: α, β,γ, X Nonionizing- does not; radio, visible light
Causes of Draw an atom: what’s inside, what’s outside What keeps all those protons in such a tiny place?
Causes of Strong Nuclear Force- overcomes the repulsion between protons
Causes of This creates a stable nucleus, one that is in happy equilibrium
Causes of Unstable nucleus- any atom that spontaneously changes its atomic mass and gives off EM radiation like gamma
Causes of Elements above #83 are unstable Why?
Causes of At this point the proton-proton repulsions overcome the SNF and the atom becomes unstable.
What is an unstable atom? An unstable atom is RADIOACTIVE- releasing ionizing and nonionizing radiation
Radioactivity Radioactive elements undergo radioactive decay due to their instability, this is called “transmutation”
Radioactivity “transmutation”-where one element turns into another. Alchemists tried to turn Pb into Au- this can actually happen!
Radioactivity But it takes millions of years. It’s actually cheaper to mine the gold in the earth.
Radioactivity Synthetic elements are made by transmutating one element into another. First was in 1937- Tc
Types of Radioactive Decay Alpha Decay- where a particle with the mass of helium is ejected. Symbol: 24 He 23892U 24 He + 23490Th
Types of Radioactive Decay Notice how the top equals each other and the bottom each other. 23892U 24 He + 23490Th
Types of Radioactive Decay Beta Decay- when energy in the form of an electron is ejected 23490Th 91234 Pa + 0-1e
Types of Radioactive Decay Gamma decay- can occur with alpha decay but gives off Gamma Rays 23892U 24 He + 23490Th + 200γ
Types of Radioactive Decay Positron Production-when a particle with the same mass as an electron but a + 1 charge is ejected
Types of Radioactive Decay Positron Production 2211Na 10 e + 2210Ne
Types of Radioactive Decay Electron Capture- an inner is “sucked” into the nucleus 20180Hg + -10 e 20179Au + 00γ Mercury into Gold!!!