Comenius Raul Proença Secondary School Portugal Group B - Water Bruno Penha | 15 years old Diogo Neto | 17 years old João Marques | 15 years old Rita Marques | 15 years old
Rita Marques | João Marques | Bruno Penha | Diogo Neto
1. 1. What did we do? How? How did we feel while doing the activities? Our experiments
1. What did we do? Firstly, we organised the groups. And then we chose the place where we would work on. Then we pointed a day, and went there just to get used to the place – the river Porto do Carro. Finally, we pointed another day and went there in order to collect some water.
2. How? On the 10th May, we went to the river in order to collect some water. To do that, we used a net, a plastic box and four glass boxes to put the water in. Then, one of us went into the river and collected the water with the net. After that we put the water in the plastic box, and then divided it in 4 different boxes
Before After
3. How did we feel while doing the activities? We found interesting the way we can see the pollution levels, just by analysing the little beings that live there. We found also great the way we did these activities. It was something absolutely new for us.
This work has been done by: Bruno Penha Diogo Neto João Marques Rita Marques Thanks: Our Biology teacher - Mª Mercês Silva e Sousa