The Constitution A Living Document
Articles of Confederation The Constitution Major powers held by individual states National government had no power to tax, no power to enforce laws One branch of government-the legislature Powers shared between states and central government National government had power to tax and regulate trade Three branches of government-legislative, executive, and judicial
The writers of the Constitution created the amendment process because… -They knew the Constitution was not perfect. -They also knew the country would change in the years ahead.
An amendment can be made in two different ways.
Two ways the Constitution an be amended -two-thirds of the Senate and the House vote for it, three-fourths of the state legislatures must ratify it. -two-thirds of the state legislatures ask for it, three-fourths of the conventions must ratify it (has never happened in our country).
1st Amendment Rights
The Bill of Rights After the Revolutionary War was over, people were already calling for change. They wanted the Constitution to more clearly protect the rights of citizens. The 1st 10 amendments were all approved in 1791
Due process of the law means the government must follow rules established by law. 4th-you cannot be searched or have property taken without reason 5th-testify against self and double jeopardy 6th-speedy trial, face accusers, and right to a lawyer 7th-trial by jury 8th-prohibits high bail or fines and cruel or unusual punishment
The Bill of Rights also outlines a citizen’s responsibilities. Citizens must be willing to… serve as jurors vote pay taxes follow the law serve in the military
The Separation of Powers
System of Checks and Balances
The Electoral College: 1 elector for each representative and senator (270 to win)
Representative Democracy What was the purpose of the 12th and 17th Amendments? -Presidential candidates choose their own running mates (12th) -The people of each state will elect Senators directly (17th)
Voting rights been protected, or extended, by several Amendments -15th: gave all male citizens the right to vote regardless of race (after the Civil War) -19th: gave women the right to vote (after WWI) -23rd: gave residents of Washington D.C. the right to vote for President -24th: made poll taxes illegal (Civil Rights movement) -26th: lowered the voting age to 18 (because of Vietnam)
Review How can an amendment to the Constitution be proposed? Which amendment allows you to protest the government? Why is it important to have the right to vote?