ONR Pre-Award w Research Administration Support OPTIONAL SUBHEAD HERE Michelle Butler Director, Grants Administration Office of Nursing Research mbb8z@virginia.edu March 4, 2019
ONR Pre-Award Responsibilities Michelle Butler Director, Grants Administration Vacant Grants & Contracts Specialist ONR Pre-Award consists of two dedicated research admins committed to facilitating the submission of proposals and all pre-award activities for the School of Nursing. March 2019
ONR Pre-Award Responsibilities Interpreting sponsor regulations and guidelines Ensuring fulfillment of all requirements and compliance with rules and regulations Engaging in the development of budgets and all administrative aspects of applications Overseeing the progress and submission of all applications Serving as liaison with the University’s Office of Sponsored Programs March 2019
Administrative Components To be submitted no less than 10 working days prior to sponsor deadline: UVA’s Electronic Proposal Routing Form (ePRF): All sections filled out and key personnel signatures, chairs, and school administrators. R&R Cover: Cover Letter (optional) Other Project Information: Abstract/Project Summary, Project Narrative, Facilities & Resources, Equipment Key Personnel Biosketches Research Plan (if applicable): Progress Report Publication List (for renewals), Vertebrate Animals, Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan, Consortium/Contractual Arrangements, Letters of Support, Resource Sharing Plan, Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources Human Subjects and Clinical Trails (if applicable). To be completed in ASSIST online Budget: Detailed Budget, Budget Justification, Subaward Budget & Justification (if applicable). If Subawards are included, subaward proposal packages are required. Assignment Request Form (Optional Form, but recommended). To be completed in ASSIST March 2019
Budget Considerations Should be detailed and specific and include as much information as possible: Key Personnel Percentage of Effort: Person-Months (CY, AY, SU) GRA Percentage of Effort: Person-Months (CY, AY, SU) Other Personnel Materials and Supplies: Include description and detail Travel – Domestic/International: Include purpose, destination, number of travelers, per diem, etc. Tuition and Health Insurance Other Direct Costs – Participant reimbursements, food costs for focus groups, transportation reimbursements, transcription fees, publication costs, poster printing, etc. Consortium Costs Cost Share March 2019
Science Components Final version to be submitted no less than 3 working days prior to sponsor deadline: Introduction (For Renewals and Resubmissions) Specific Aims Research Strategy/Research Plan References/Bibliography March 2019
Non-Funded Agreements Non-Disclosure Agreements, Material Transfer Agreements, Teaming Agreements, License Agreements, IP Agreements, etc. Guidelines on electronic Non-Funded Agreements (eNFA): https://info.researchuva.virginia.edu/enfa-guidelines Initiate your eNFA through ResearchUVA Portal: https://researchuva.virginia.edu March 2019
Compliance UVA Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI): Annual Certification Required: https://coi.sites.virginia.edu/Home CITI Conflict of Interest (COI) Training: Done Every 4 Years http://www.virginia.edu/vpr/Compliance/COI.html Patent Agreement: Only Need to Review and Sign Agreement Once https://lvg.virginia.edu/innovators/patent-agreement-and-assignment-instructions March 2019
Please contact Michelle Butler at mbb8z@virginia.edu Questions? Please contact Michelle Butler at mbb8z@virginia.edu March 2019