8/19/2016 Learning Goals: Essential questions: EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook? 8/19/2016 Learning Goals: Students will prepare their notebooks for 1st semester. Students will understand how to keep a perfect notebook for the semester. Essential questions: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook?
Hand out Notebooks I will be passing out a notebook to each student. EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook? Hand out Notebooks I will be passing out a notebook to each student. After you receive your notebook, please write the following information: Name Honors US History, Pd __ Teacher: Parlor Room: ____ After, wait for further instruction quietly.
Author’s Page: What Defines Me? EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook? Author’s Page: What Defines Me? VERY FIRST PAGE OF YOUR NOTEBOOK. Title it Author’s Page: What Defines Me? This will be due Tuesday, August 23!
Author’s Page: What Defines Me (very front page) You will be creating a page full of graffiti art (& explanation) that shows me the 5 most important things that define you (people, places, ideas, objects) Pictures can be drawn, from a computer, or a magazine Some ideas to consider: Your ultimate goal in life (what do you want to be when you’re big) Favorite memory Something you are fond of Something that makes you proud Come up with a VISUAL representation of the 5. With the visual representation, write 2-4 sentences describing its importance to you. Completion of this will earn you a 4, failure to complete this fully will earn you a 0 EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook?
Grade Checks On the back side of your author’s page, EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook? Grade Checks On the back side of your author’s page, Please draw 6X2 table: 1st Q notebook checks (leave 8 lines) 1st quarter progress report (leave 3 lines) 1st quarter grade 2nd Q notebook checks 2nd quarter progress report Summative grades (rest of page)
Notebook Set-Up Title the TOP of the 2nd page TABLE OF CONTENTS. EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook? Notebook Set-Up Title the TOP of the 2nd page TABLE OF CONTENTS. Title the TOP of the next 3 next pages T.O.C. (total of 4) Title Date Pg # Due:
Today’s T.O.C. Entries 8/19 Author’s Page EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook? Today’s T.O.C. Entries Table of Contents Pg # Due Date 8/19 Author’s Page USH Interactive NB Guidelines Front 8/22 1 8/22
Jump Starts Flip to the very BACK page of your NB. EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook? Jump Starts Flip to the very BACK page of your NB. Title the top of the last page JUMP STARTS. We will be using these to start each class period. This is how we will start each class period unless it is a TEST day. 8/19: Use 5 words to describe how your first few days at Northwest have been.
USH Interactive NB Guidelines (1) We will read these together so that you know what you are aware as to how the class will be run this semester. On the next page after your last T.O.C, you will paste your USH NOTEBOOK GUIDELINES and will include (1) either in the top right- hand corner or in the bottom-middle of the page. ***This requires a signature from YOU and your GUARDIAN by Tuesday, August 23(along with your Author’s Page)!!!! If you get this done on time, you will receive a 4 – if not, the highest grade you will get will be a 1. EQ: How will my notebook be set up? How can I ensure a good grade on my notebook?