Thematic Statements Vs. Thematic Concepts All about theme Thematic Statements Vs. Thematic Concepts
What is a theme, anyway? I’m so glad you asked! In a novel or short story, the theme is the author's message, a universal truth that applies to all people in all situations. Remember--authors NEVER reveal the theme directly; as readers, we need to deduce the underlying themes ourselves.
How is theme expressed? Themes can be expressed in 2 different ways. Thematic concepts are words or short phrases that express major thematic ideas within the short story or text. Examples: hope, courage, fear Thematic statements are written as complete sentences and elaborate upon the universal truth or idea. Example: Fear of the unknown is a powerful force that brings on change.
How to find a theme Step 1: Identify a symbol (person, place, or thing). Step 2: Determine the fate of the symbol. In other words, what happens to the symbol based on the text? Step 3: Looking at the fate of the symbol, determine a thematic concept or statement.
Example using TKAM Step 1: Mockingbird (the act of shooting one) Step 2: Atticus and Miss Maudie advise Jem not to shoot mockingbirds because they mind their own business. Step 3: Possible Concepts: innocence, hope Possible Statement: The worst tragedy is the death of an innocent.