Trade Adjustment Assistance: Shrimp Program POSTER TITLE HERE List of all of the authors here List author affiliations here (e.g. University of Arkansas) YOUR HONORS PROGRAM LOGO SHOULD GO HERE. CHECK WITH MENTOR FOR RIGHT LOGO Introduction Research Questions and Answers Research Design and Methods The organization of the poster will vary. But often columns related to all sections other than results are narrow so more space is provided for results. Most posters start with an introduction that provides Summary of the problem/topic being addressed Why it’s important What you plan to present on this poster The length of this introduction can vary. Work with your mentor on relevant size of each section of your poster IMPORTANT: HONORS ALLOWS FOR MINIMAL COLOR. PLEASE ENSURE MOST OF YOUR BACKGROUND IS WHITE. Organize your results List by topic Provide results of hypotheses testing or answer your research question Some may want to provide figures and tables to either support the methods or the results here Place your figure or table here Literature Review Figure 1. Title your table or figure The next section of the poster provides the literature review related to your study. Separate your figures/tables with more discussion if relevant Conclusions Highlight the important conclusions here Acknowledgements Acknowledge here (or at the bottom of the poster) all funding sources (including Honors College) and any special assistance you were provided by an outside source to do this work. For References and Information Add any important literature references here as well as your contact information for those who want more information Figure 2: Title table or figure If student received funding from Honors College, wording provided below. Put Honors Logo next to it if not used above: Can put a logo here This research has been supported, in part by a grant from the Honors College. Can put a logo here