MOTORISED RAMMING MACHINE Project presentation on 30.11.2012 Presentation by R.VENKATESH 11244610 B.MOHAMED NIYASUDEEN 11216792 J.PAVITHRAN 11216803 J.JAGADESH 11216775 M.MUZAKKIR AHAMED 11216798 K.MOHANA RAJA 11216795 Guidance by MR.S.JOHN JAWAHAR,B.E.,M.E Lecturer, Department of MECHANICAL Panimalar Polytechnic College MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT
Panimalar Polytechnic College AIM OF OUR PROJET Here we fabricate the model for ramming machine it is used to set the loose sand in foundries. It minimizes the work load of man power. Mostly ramming machines are using the vibrating table with the arrangement of zigzag movement and it needs more current to carry out this process. To avoid this we are using cam with return spring arrangement for the ramming machine. Panimalar Polytechnic College
Panimalar Polytechnic College ABSTRACT Here we are using the table with the support of return spring arrangement and below of this we are placing the cam mechanism with rotation movement. The rotation movement for cam is given by the motor with worm gear arrangement for the vibrating operation. The supporting shaft on either side of the table holds the molding box preventing it from falling while the operation takes place. The motor will rotate the worm gear arrangement and that will rotate the cam mechanism hence the table moves up and down. The ramming tool is rotated by means of handle to seat on the molding sand and to set the sand firmly in the molding box. Panimalar Polytechnic College
Panimalar Polytechnic College BLOCK DIAGRAM DRAWING FOR MOTORIZED RAMMING MACHINE Panimalar Polytechnic College
Panimalar Polytechnic College COMPONENT USING: Ramming tool Return spring Handle with screw rod Cam arrangement and Motor with worm gear arrangement Panimalar Polytechnic College
APPLICATION: It is applicable in foundries. It is used in batch production.
ADVANTAGE Get good output Easy to operate Easy to maintain Save workers time