Alderman’s Announcements January 28, 2019 Alderman’s Announcements Animated Literacy Skating Kate: long “a” sound Vowel Combinations: “ai” as in rain, “ay” as in hay, “a-e” as in cake Decoding long vowel words Echo Drawing: cake 100th Day -- Dress like you are 100 years old! Counting by 10 hopscotch to 100 100 Balloons 100 Day Hats 100 Hershey Kiss Search 100 Cup Stacking Challenge (Teamwork) 100 Day Snack Writing: I do not want 100 _______. I want 100 ______. Before I am 100 bucket list Centers: Flip a coin 100 times How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? 100 Marshmallow Structures Build with 100 Legos Paint 100 gumballs 100 Bead Necklace 100 Piece Puzzle Social St: Kansas Day Learn about the KS symbols Why do we celebrate Kansas Day? Make a sunflower & honeybee Make a book about Kansas Kansas, Kansas What Do You See? Game: Kansas Bingo Due to last week’s snow day, the 100th day of school is now Thursday, Jan. 31! Please dress like you are 100 on Thursday! Upcoming Jan. 31: 100th Day of School (we will dress like we are 100 years old! ) Feb. 4: Class Picture Day Feb. 5: PTO Mtg @ 7:00 (Library) Feb. 6: Collaborative Start Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day Classroom Party 3:00-3:35. See attached list Feb. 18: No School March 8 - 15: No School (Spring Break) Attached you will find a Dot Test Report. Please remember your child needs 40 points by May 10 in order to attend the school-wide reading reward field trip. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. Congratulations to those students who have already made their reading goal! Thank you for reading with your child! Math Represent decomposition story situations with drawings using numeric bonds Comparing towers Part-Part-Whole Writing addition equations