Now that you have learned what all the elements & principles are, it’s time to take them for a spin! You will be randomly assigned one element and one principle of art. Your assignment is to make a collage that uses your principle to create your principle. For example, you might be assigned line and movement, and in your collage, you would use lines to create a sense of motion through your composition. A collage is a work of art that is made by attaching pieces of different materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) to a flat surface. We will be attaching magazine cutouts to paper with rubber cement. Here are some examples– can you guess which element and principles they used?...
Your work will be graded on the following criteria: - Craftsmanship: Is the background paper completely covered with collage? Shapes cut out neatly? Rubber cement boogers cleaned off? - Concept: Did you find a creative and original solution to the problem– did you use you element to create your principle? - Composition: Did you present your solution in a way that was visually interesting and clear? - Reflection: Have you written a thoughtful reflection demonstrating your process and your ability to use key terms relating to the elements & principles of art? - Artistic Process: How well did you use your time and materials in the studio?
In a moment, you will get your assignment for your element & principle In a moment, you will get your assignment for your element & principle. The first thing you will do is make a plan in your sketchbook. You can write or draw, but I will be looking for an explanation of how you plan to use your element to CREATE your principle. (For example, “I will create a sense of [principle] by using [element] to [do what?]”) Some will be trickier than others, so make sure you have a good plan before you dive in to creating your collage. ASK FOR HELP if you’re feeling unsure.
6 = Balance (you can choose which type) Roll the die two times. The first number you roll will tell you your element. The second number you roll will be your principle. Write them in your sketchbook right away so that you don’t forget. Elements: 1 = Line 2 = Shape 3 = Color 4 = Value 5 = Texture 6 = Space Principles: 1 = Emphasis 2 = Pattern 3 = Movement 4 = Contrast 5 = Unity 6 = Balance (you can choose which type)