The Congress of Vienna Sep. 1814- Jun 1815
Congress of Vienna Conference held following Napoleon’s defeat(s) Want to “turn back the clock” Restore monarchs, establish legitimacy Restoration of pre-Napoleon rulers House of Bourbon – France, Spain, and the two Sicilies House of Braganza – Portugal House of Orange – Netherlands House of Savoy – Sardinia German princes – territories in the Confederation of the Rhine Pope and Catholic Church – Papal States
Congress of Vienna Conference held following Napoleon’s defeat(s) Want to “turn back the clock” Restore monarchs, establish legitimacy Create a lasting peace Led by the Quadruple Alliance (Prus, Rus, Aus, GB) Other minor states attend, are ignored
Key Players at Vienna Foreign Minister, Viscount Castlereagh (Br.) Tsar Alexander I (Rus.) The “Host” Prince Klemens von Metternich (Aus.) King Frederick William III (Prus.) Foreign Minister, Charles Maurice de Tallyrand (Fr.)
Treatment of France Meant to be lenient, restore status quo Louis XVIII made king of France (Bourbon) Generous borders No reparations
Treatment of France Meant to be lenient, restore status quo Louis XIII made king of France (Bourbon) Generous borders No reparations Following Napoleon’s “100 Days” 700,000 Francs reparations Loses some land Agree to 5 year military occupation
Weakening French Aggression United Belgium & Holland under Duke of Orange Prussia given land on the Rhine German Confederation of 39 states created, dominated by Austria Sardinia strengthened Serve as buffers around France
Etc. Russia gets half of Poland Prussia gets some of Saxony Swiss neutrality guaranteed Britain receives number of colonies Austria gets wealthy Italian provinces Sweden gets Norway Sardinia gets number of N. Italian provinces
The Concert of Europe Quadruple Alliance commits to maintaining a balance of power Lasting peace Congress almost ends in war over Prussian & Russian demands GB, Fra, Aus ally against them, Prus & Rus back down Focus on preserving conservative order Hope to squash liberalism, nationalism
The Concert of Europe Powers meet regularly Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle Becomes Quintuple Alliance when France is added Congresses of Troppau & Laibach Continental powers desire to intervene to stop revolutions Britain refuses Congress of Verona Supports France’s intervention to support King of Spain against liberal revolution Britain leaves the Quintuple Alliance