opening PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR PAPER!!!! Tomorrow we are going to begin a three-day, in-class project on real-world/modern-day/historical dystopias. Please indicate which of the following topics you would most like to research. Give me your TOP THREE – I will do my best to honor your top choice. PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR PAPER!!!! TOPICS Holocaust/Nazi Germany North Korea Iran/Afghanistan Egypt Romania/Soviet Union (now Russia) Detroit, Michigan Other example (your choice, but you must explain it right here, right now in order for me to consider it)
5 more days! Let’s make them count! 1) Get back into the groups you used to write your dystopian short stories on Friday. 2) As a group, come to a final decision on which one story you want to present to the class. 3) As a group, determine who will present your story (it can be more than one person if you want to rotate readers).
DYSTOPIAN SHORT STORIES Task: Complete the Peer Feedback Form for each of the 8 stories. List all elements/characteristics of dystopia in each story. Make notes as to what you liked best about each story, any comments/suggestions, and be thinking throughout the presentations about which one story is the overall best. Be polite and attentive in the audience!
DYSTOPIAN ONE-PAGER Your one-pager must include the following: ONE piece of white paper – use the front only An image/Images that depict(s) your idea and definition of dystopia– and takes up MOST OF THE PAGE (15 points) A definition of dystopia – in your own words (5 points) FIVE PIECES OF EVIDENCE from various dystopian texts we have read/watched in class – Each of your five pieces of evidence should provide a specific characteristics or element of dystopia. TWO of the five MUST be quotes – specific lines/phrases from the text, in quotation marks, with a page number. (5 pts each = 25 points) ONE personal comment you have about dystopia, the themes we discussed in this unit, the texts, real-world dystopias, whatever…. (5 points)
Assignment detAils Work TODAY in class Due on FRIDAY 11/22 Grading options: 1) Replace a missing grade for one or both of the one-pagers from Unit 1 (you can’t make these up) 2) Use as a grade supplement – i.e. extra credit (points added wherever you need them most – NOT THE COMMON ASSESSMENTS) **NOTE: This doesn’t mean the assignment is optional. If you don’t turn it in, it is a 0.