Landforms of Canada Mr. Nero CGC1D1
Innuitian Mountains In Canada's far North 2500 metres in height Composed mostly of sedimentary rock Younger than the Appalachian mountains, therefore erosion has not worn them down as much yet Barren (have no vegetation) Trees cannot survive the cold there and the summer is too short for vegetation to grow
Hudson Bay Arctic Lowlands Found on the shore of Hudson Bay and James Bay Flat, low area covered by swampy forest Covered by water at one point that compacted rock, silt, and sand to create sedimentary rock Not a good area for farming (ground remains frozen for most of the year permafrost) Made up of a series of islands
Great Lakes – St.Lawrence Lowlands Where the Niagara region is found! Small but largely populated Made up of 2 parts: The Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Lowlands, separated by a thin wedge of Canadian shield Made of many escarpments, the largest being Niagara Falls itself Well suited for agriculture because of great soils and warm climate Most densely populated region
Western Cordillera Found on the western side of Canada Consists of a range of mountains (young) Difficult travel routes here because the mountains are in the way Vancouver and Victoria are the largest cities here Great tourist area because beautiful mountains
Interior Plains Stretch from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico Mostly flat land (Alberta, Saskatchewan) caused by erosion and deposited sediments Oil and gas is found here Potash is mined here and used for fertilizer, coal is also mined here Known as “Canada's Breadbasket” so much wheat is grown here
Canadian Shield The geologic foundation of Canada More then half of Canada is covered by the shield Some of the world's oldest rocks are found here The Canadian Shield are made up of ancient mountains that have been eroded Vast deposits of lead, gold, nickel, copper, zinc, and other important metals Mining is in abundance here
Appalachians Stretch from Georgia to Newfoundland Oldest highland region in North America Formed 300 million yrs ago Rich in deposits of non metallic minerals such as coal and metallic minerals such as iron and zinc