By: Celeste Nunez and Alison Schlicker FolktaleS By: Celeste Nunez and Alison Schlicker
CharacteristicS Usually teach a moral/lesson. Originally told orally. Problems and conflicts are clear. Can include magic
SettinG Often set in the past Fit the geography of the culture that is telling the story Can be “timeless” or “placeless” stories
PloT Conflict that must be resolved Follows specific simple patterns Related to good/evil
TypeS of FolktaleS Fairytales Fables Myths Legends Tall Tales
FairytaleS Hero or Heroine “Once upon a time” and “Happily Ever After” Magic, repetition of “3” or “7” Good and Evil problem overcome through kindness, courage, intelligence etc...
FableS A short story conveying a moral Usually involves animal characters Animals can speak and reason Provide an opportunity to laugh at human foolishness Written in “prose” or “verse” Examples: Aesop’s Fables Gulliver’s Travels Animal Farm
MythS Include Gods or Goddesses Explains why something happens in nature by using God/Goddesses
LegendS Explains how or why something came to be Stories about a specific person or place Associated with a particular part of history Example: Pied Piper of Hamelin
TalL TaleS Linked to a real historical time period Exaggerated details Tell a person’s accomplishments
ThemeS Universal truth, morals, lessons Tells what happens to those who do not follow the group traditions/values Examples: Love vs. Loyalty Good Triumphs Evil Fear of Leaving Home
GenrE in the ClassrooM Cross cultural boundaries Teach a lesson Develop imagination Build emotional resiliency
WhY do KidS LikE FolktaleS? Escape to a make believe world Humorous Easy to follow/understand
SourceS pt.pdf essential-to-childhood/ s.html es/elements.html