Primary KS1
Starter On your own (4 mins) ©VotesForSchools2018 On your own (4 mins) On a whiteboard, can you write down what these pictures show by unscrambling the letters?! Starter ranwgni oplcie arc borneighdooh eachter Images: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- irfe tigherf icepol nam
Did you manage to get them all?! ©VotesForSchools2018 Answers Did you manage to get them all?! Warning Police car Neighborhood Teacher Images: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- Fire Fighter Police man
Has the fall in police numbers made you feel unsafe? ©VotesForSchools2018 Has the fall in police numbers made you feel unsafe? Images: 1- This topic might be difficult to talk about. If you want to talk to anybody about the content that we go over today, you can find some options on slide 19. L.O: To explore who keeps us safe.
Why are we talking about this? Our learning journey for this week! Why are we talking about this? The danger zone Who keeps you safe? Share your worries Image Source 1- Reference Vote! ©VotesForSchools2018
Why are we talking about this? ©VotesForSchools2018 Why are we talking about this? 1 In 2018, there has been lots of crime where people have been hurt. There are also a lot less police officers than there were in 2010. 2:30- 3:45 Class Activity (3 mins) Click the image to watch a short video about what police do. 2 Politicians like Amber Rudd are trying to think of ways to stop the crime and make the UK safer. Images: 1- 2- Politics info! This is Amber Rudd, our Home Secretary. She is in charge of policing. 3 Today we want you to think about who keeps you safe and what you can do to help others.
Why are we talking about this? Our learning journey for this week! Why are we talking about this? The danger zone Who keeps you safe? Share your worries Image Source 1- Reference Vote! ©VotesForSchools2018
Has this happened to you before? ©VotesForSchools2018 The danger zone Pair talk (5-10 mins) Below are some dangers. Pick one in your pairs and talk about how you would deal with this danger, using the questions in grey boxes… Feedback to the class. Has this happened to you before? Why is it dangerous? Broken glass on the playground. What would you do? Who could help you? Boiling hot water in a pan. You see a friend get hit by someone else. Images: 1- 2- Danger: The possibility of being harmed or hurt. A friend dares you to climb a tall fence.
Individual Thinking time (3 mins) ©VotesForSchools2018 The danger zone Individual Thinking time (3 mins) Keeping safe isn’t always easy. Sometimes you have to stand up to someone else to stay safe, or ask someone for help. Can you think of a time where you asked an adult or another person to help you stay safe? Images: 1- 2- 3- S&C: Do you ever need to keep yourself safe?
Why are we talking about this? Our learning journey for this week! Why are we talking about this? The danger zone Who keeps you safe? Share your worries Image Source 1- Reference Vote! ©VotesForSchools2018
S&C: How do they keep you safe? What do they do? ©VotesForSchools2018 Who keeps you safe? On your own (5-10 mins) Draw a diagram like this, with you in the middle. Think about who keeps you safe; at home, in school and in your community. Write or draw your answers inside the rings. S&C: How do they keep you safe? What do they do? The pictures are clues! Images: 1- 2- In your community At school At home
Why are we talking about this? Our learning journey for this week! Why are we talking about this? The danger zone Who keeps you safe? Share your worries Image Source 1- Reference Vote! ©VotesForSchools2018
S&C: Have you gone to any of these people before? ©VotesForSchools2018 Share your worries S&C: Have you gone to any of these people before? Class Activity (2-5 mins) Who could you turn to if you were worried or afraid about something? Brainstorm a class list. Images: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-
Individual Activity (5 mins) ©VotesForSchools2018 Share your worries 2 My supporters 1 3 4 5 Individual Activity (5 mins) Draw around your hand on a piece of paper. Label each finger with a person you could go to if you had a worry or if you were scared. Put the person you would go to first on your thumb! Images: 1- 2- 3- 4- S&C: How could you spot if someone looked worried?
Why are we talking about this? Our learning journey for this week! Why are we talking about this? The danger zone Who keeps you safe? Share your worries Image Source 1- Reference Vote! ©VotesForSchools2018
Has the fall in police numbers made you feel unsafe? No Everyone is responsible for keeping other people safe, not just the police. There are many causes of crime, not just how many police are on the streets. I still feel safe and I know how to keep myself safe. ©VotesForSchools2018
Has the fall in police numbers made you feel unsafe? Yes Police are there to keep people safe and it is worrying that there are less. I think people are more likely to behave badly if they think there are less police around. I am not always sure how to keep myself safe. ©VotesForSchools2018
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Teachers: More information on crime ©VotesForSchools2018 Teachers: More information on crime Students: If you need to talk to someone about the issues raised in this lesson, you can either: Speak to a teacher or trusted adult, OR Call ChildLine to speak to someone (it’s free!) Teachers: If you want more guidance on the issues raised in this lesson, try the following websites: Child friendly MET website for ages 11-16 on knife and gun crime. Government’s main page on knife, gun and gang crime. Knife prevention advice for teachers in Scotland. Childline’s information on Knife crime. OR call the NSPCC helpline for advice and info. Images: 1-