Starter of the day Pick up your grades from hanging file if you did not last time. What is your grade in this class? Why is your grade this way? If it is poor what can you do to get it up?
Printmaking Day 15 How to make a stencil
Agenda Go over what we did last time in class. Listen as a group to demonstration on how to make a stencil tag. Have your design ready to put onto transparencies today. If you didn’t finish your screen printing you need to do that today so I can get it onto your grade. Once done begin cutting your design out.
Last time We had a sub and you were assigned the doodles for google assignment. You may have a bad grade because you didn’t do the assignment that was assigned (get it down outside of class).
How to make a stencil tag Block the design into shapes that do not overlap or touch. Cut out with an X-acto knife Make sure to hold at an angle or it will rip not cut. Spray paint a thin layer over you design onto paper Keep at least 8 inches away and keep it thin or it will melt your stencil.
Studio time! First decide what you want your tag to stand for. Make a list of ideas that represent who you art. Begin developing an image to go with it. Words can be added if you think they will help, but keep it simple. Draw you design onto paper Trace it onto a transparency Cut it out with an X-acto knife