Objective 9: I can define atmosphere Atmosphere: a thin layer of gases surrounding the earth
Objective 10: I can describe the layers of the atmosphere
Remember Layers of the Atmosphere Sand Man Took Elmo The Sand Man
Troposphere Lowest layer of the atmosphere. ALL weather occurs in this layer. (Clouds, precipitation and storms. Constantly Changing (Atmosphere is a FLUID).
Stratosphere Absorbs Ultraviolet light (Ozone layer absorbs suns rays). Protective layer Temperature increases with height because of absorbed radiation. Up here you are above the weather. Only the largest T-storms reach up here.
Mesosphere “Meso” means middle Outer parts of Mesosphere are the coldest parts of the entire Atmosphere Meteors burn up in this level, often giving off the look of a shooting star. The mesosphere is one of Earth’s protective layers
Thermosphere Air is very thin- Low Density. A one cubic meter box at the surface would now be a 100,000 cubic meter box. Hottest layer (1800 C) due to the sun’s heat. however it would not feel warm because of Low Density and Pressure. Ionosphere is within this layer. Radio waves bounce off ions in this layer. Aurora Borealis-Northern lights glow from ions and sunlight.
Exosphere Outermost part of Thermosphere Some Satellites orbit here. For example telephone and television signals are sent this high Where does it end? There is no clear line that says okay your in space now.