Firefighter health and fitness Chris Montgomery Firefighter health and fitness
Introduction My qualifications Major Malcolm Jenkins LODD death Cardiovascular Disease risk factors How to mitigate risks Matter of life and death
Risk Factors: Heart disease We are all EMTs here Hereditary Stress Diet Lack of exercise
Mitigation: Healthy Diet Lowers blood pressure (Benzinger, 2010) Lower bad cholesterol Maintain healthy weight (Benzinger, 2010)
Mitigation: Exercise Lowers blood pressure (Hagberg, 2011) Reduce stress (Harvard, 2011) Maintain healthy weight Other benefits/adaptations
Conclusion Mitigate heart disease through Diet Mitigate heart disease through exercise Life and death issues
References Benzinger, D. S. (2010). Benzinger on Health. Retrieved November 9, 2014, from Second Opinion: Hagberg, J. M. (2011). Exercising Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure. Retrieved November 9, 2014, from ACSM Information On...: Harvard. (2011, February). Exercising to Relax. Retrieved November 9, 2014, from Harvard Health Publications: