March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview AGENDA Dear Class: Let’s practice for the mock interview… Answer these questions using complete sentences: What classes did you enjoy the most/least? WHY? Discuss your greatest achievement. Tell me about yourself. Respectfully, Ms. Homan Open your EXISTING file– “MI Prep” March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview AGENDA Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (2 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Citation Workshop (40 minutes) Debate prep Interview prep Peace/Out (5 minutes) Check the next slides for further “prompt” if you are stuck
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview AGENDA Discuss your greatest achievement. They are looking for your successes in school or outside of school. Are you an artist/athlete/academic? Have you received any awards/ received recognition at school or at work? Tell about it. Tell me about yourself. Do not tell me back in Kindergarten—tell me in the past two years Do you work? Are you in clubs/groups at school? Are you involved at your church? Do you/have you volunteer(ed) anywhere? March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview AGENDA Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (2 minutes) Skill (20 minutes) Citation Workshop (40 minutes) Debate prep Interview prep Peace/Out (5 minutes)
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview UPCOMING- B DAY THIS WEEK 3/29 LIB: Research HW: have 3 articles 3/31 New Vocab Annotation Outline essay HW: Intro/Body 1-3 NEXT WEEK 4/4 Speed Debate HW: draft counterargument 4/6 Person from Gallup Draft resume 4/8 LIB - Create Resume/Cover letter Your Mock Interview is the 20th of April
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR Teams Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) Pro/Affirmative First two rows Con/Negative Last two rows Changpiny Eduard Kaitlyn Hailey Gabby Lionel Angel Trinity Mariah Kayci Shalyah John Trae Anthony Haylee Quintin Cordai CC Julien Erik Nam Corey Keenan Kim You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR Essay/Debate Prep OPEN YOUR EXISTING DOCUMENT: “Teens/jobs” Topic: Should teenagers have jobs? You read before asking me Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes)
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR Essay/Debate Prep Step 1: In one paragraph tell me— Your actual opinion/why Three reasons yes Three reasons no Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR Model I believe it is important for teenagers to have jobs. There are numerous benefits to holding a job outside school: (what are they?) However, many might argue teens should not hold a job outside school. Reasons they might give include: (what do you think they might say?) You read before asking me Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes)
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR RESEARCH PROCESS You Need: Computer/Brain FIREFOX Burke Homepage ( Library Website Next slide has rest of instruction Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR You Need: Computer/Brain Opposing Viewpoints “Search” for articles: teenage employment, jobs, teenagers, employment Read it FIRST to determine if it’s what you want. I will expect annotation. ICE/summary information Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR You Need: Computer/Brain Select EBSCO Host Select “Points of View” 3. “Search” by topic: jobs? Employment? Teens and jobs? Benefits of teenage employment? Read it FIRST to determine if it is what you want. I will expect annotation. ICE/summary information Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR You Need: Computer/Brain Google 3. “Search” by topic: jobs? Employment? Teens and jobs? Benefits of teenage employment? Read it FIRST to determine if it is what you want. I will expect annotation. ICE/summary information Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR Three (3) articles to support your argument a. Two (2) HAVE TO BE FROM MY DIRECTION (the library databases) b. One (1) can be from another CREDIBLE source (Google) PRINT EACH ARTICLE Annotate Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview THIS IS TODAY INTEGRITY AND HONOR You found 3 articles: Are they ANNOTATED? Do you understand the key points? What are they? WRITE IT DOWN Do you see the rhetorical devices being used to convince you? WRITE IT DOWN Write BRIEF review tell yourself what is important to use in an argument on your topic. Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR Language for the article review: The article _______________ by ______________ from ____________ proves ______________________________________________________________. I would use these arguments: 1. 2. 3. In a debate or essay to convince the audience of the credibility of the argument. Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me
March 29, 2016 SWBAT: prepare for Mock Interview INTEGRITY AND HONOR For Thursday BRING TO CLASS: Print out of “MI Prep” Six answers to prep questions Print out of “Teens/Jobs” Your initial opinion The three article “reflections” Annotated articles Bellwork (15 minutes) Agenda (3 minutes) Skill (30 minutes) Research: articles Workshop (45 minutes) Resume creation Peace/Out (5 minutes) You read before asking me