If you were at Union in 10th grade you should already have a turnitin If you were at Union in 10th grade you should already have a turnitin.com account Type in an email you believe you would have used for your account last year. Your password should be your first, middle, and last initial and then your ID #. However, if that doesn’t work try just your first and last initial and then your ID #. If neither of those work possibly try different a different email (if you have more than one) Or possibly a different password if you think you created your own. If no combinations work then you may create a new turnitin.com account. Use a current email for your username And your first, middle, and last initial and then your ID # as your password.
Once you have an account you must join my class in order to submit your paper… Class Name: English 11- 1st Hour Enrollment Password: mrsz1 Class ID: 10483652
Once you have an account you must join my class in order to submit your paper… Class Name: English 11- 2nd Hour Enrollment Password: mrsz2 Class ID: 10483670
Once you have an account you must join my class in order to submit your paper… Class Name: English 11- 4th Hour Enrollment Password: mrsz4 Class ID: 10483712