APA Citations APA stands for… American Psychological Association! What is a citation? A quote included in a paper that was not originally stated by the writer of the paper. To be used, this quote must include specific information about the original author. Why do we use citations? To make sure we are not evil, plagiarizing liars.
APA Citations Ctd. There are TWO ways to include APA citations in your writing. Method #1: Author’s last name (year of publication) says, “Blah blah blah” (page number). Example #1: Dr. Comiskey (2014) explains, “English class is the greatest class, because I said so” (p. 21). *if you have an organization as your author and not a person, put the organization as the author.
APA Citations Ctd. There are TWO ways to include APA citations in your writing. Method #2: He/she/they say,“Blah blah blah blah” (author last name, year of publication, page #). Example #2: She explains, “Writing essays is the greatest activity of all time” (Comiskey, 2014, p. 23). *if you have an organization as your author and not a person, put the organization as the author.