Timeline: Scientific Revolution – Rules Choose 1 card to play in the middle of the table. Everyone can look at the date and details of this invention. This invention will be placeholder for future play. For example, place the printing press (1455) in the middle, read the description on the back, and then make sure that it remains image-side up for the rest of the game. Each player gets an even number of cards. Place them image-up in front of you. Don’t look at the backside, only look at the images on the front. -1 points if you cheat (intentionally or otherwise) Take turns placing one card along the timeline. Place it either to the left or the right depending on when you think the item was invented. For instance, Julia takes a turn to place a card along the timeline (maybe even guessing the inventor) on the right because she thinks that the telescope came after the printing press (the placeholder); then everyone checks to see if she was right, giving her a point afterwards Check the back to see if you got the right time along the timeline. +1 point for every correct card placed. +1 point if you correctly guess the year of the invention. +2 points if you can name the inventor of your invention before you flip over the card The winner is the person with the most points at the end
Focus Questions Did you notice a pattern in how the technology was developed? Did you use any specific techniques to help you decide where each card goes? Was there any invention that you found surprising? Was there any information that you read that you found surprising/interesting?
Homework Assignment Help Ms. van D make a set of cards for the Industrial Revolution! Your task is to make one card of an important event or invention that happened during the Industrial Revolution (around 1760-1820 [40]) For example, you could focus on a specific invention (Spinning Jenny) or an interesting event (the first census taken) Make sure one side has an appropriate image and description, and the reverse has more information and the date of the event/invention Look to the cards from the Scientific Revolution for a solid framework.