Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’
Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’
Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’
Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’ ‘Single Stories create stereotypes. ……They make one story become the only story’. Chimanmanda Ngozi Adichie
I will pay back four times the amount.’ (Luke 19:8 NIV) Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’ ‘Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.’ (Luke 19:8 NIV)
“God's salvation does not come in response to a changed life. Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’ “God's salvation does not come in response to a changed life. A changed life comes in response to the salvation, offered as a free gift.” Timothy Keller – Counterfeit Gods
Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’
Look up beyond the Single Story Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’ Look up beyond the Single Story Look up beyond the Single Story Look up beyond the Single Story
You are more than a Single Story Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’ You are more than a Single Story Look up beyond the Single Story Look up beyond the Single Story
Darrell Bock Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’ ‘’The church must become the means for restoring the lost and rejected by seeking them out – not by remaining isolated from them’ Darrell Bock
Luke 19: 1-10 ‘Look Up’ ‘JJesus Looked Up