Engineers develop a new type of hybrid car that can run on gasoline, ethanol, or electricity supplied by solar panels on the car’s roof. They have made a prototype of the car. What is the next step the engineers should take? BELLWORK9-2-16 Have you journals open while I come around to check them.
OBJECTIVES Students will be able to explain how science concepts, engineering skills, and applications of technology improve the quality of life. SPI 7.T/E.1 Identify the tools and procedures needed to test the design features of a prototype. SPI 7.T/E.2 Evaluate a protocol to determine if the engineering design process was successfully applied. I can identify tools and procedures to test a prototype. I can list the steps of the engineering design process and apply them correctly.
Review Ask Imagine Improve Plan Create The Engineering Design Process define the problem, conduct research Imagine brainstorm ideas, possible solutions Plan draw a model or build a prototype, make a materials list Create follow a plan to create the product, test the product, gather info./data Improve evaluate results, improve the design, retest and re-evaluate
"Get the Ball Rolling" Your group will work together to create a device that makes a ball move with out a human having to touch the ball. You may use some or all of the materials given to your group. The ball has to roll at least 1 foot. Take time to work through each step of the Engineering Design Process. DO NOT START CREATING YOUR DEVICE UNTIL YOU HAVE BRAINSTORMED AND CREATED A PLAN OF ACTION!
GROUP ROLES TimeKeeper- Responsibility is to keep track of time, and encourage other group members to stay on task. If someone has gotten distracted, redirect them to the group activity. Presenter- Responsibility is to read the instructions out loud to the group at each station. Explain what is to be done at each lab table. Leader- Responsibility is to make sure that everyone in the group is contributing equal amounts and "playing" fair. Recorder- Responsibility is to is record the information that the group decides upon. EVERYONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEAN UP!
Exit Class Discussion What do you think was the most challenging step of the EDP to perform in this lab?