Miss Pierce – Year 9 My name is Miss Pierce
Who are you? Get to know each other.
Hangman... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What did you eat yesterday? If you could have an endless supply of any food what would it be?
Why do some people have to observe certain diets? Food allergies Vegetarians High blood pressure Diabetic Heart disease
To identify what Jewish food laws exist. Learning intention.. To identify what Jewish food laws exist.
Kosher in Hebrew means food which is ‘clean’ or ‘fit’ This is Judaism – p.36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtqlKxRhwls
Where does this teaching come from? “These are the animals which you are permitted to eat ... anything which has a completely split hoof and chews the cud, this you may eat ...” (Leviticus 11:2-3)
Kosher fish and other sea creatures must; Have fins Have scales Kosher birds or poultry must; Not be a bird of pray Only eat grain
Do not mix meat and dairy products 2nd Rule Do not mix meat and dairy products You shall not boil a kid goat in its mother's milk. Deuteronomy 14:21 Due to this quote above Jews do not mix meat products with any dairy products as it is seen to be unclean. Fruit and Vegetables All fruit, vegetables and grain foods are kosher.
Why are these food laws important to the Jewish people? Because the Torah tell us. For the traditional Torah observant Jew they don not need any other reason. In order to show obedience and respect to God. To follow the kosher rules reminds the Jewish people of who they are. It is also seen to be healthy to follow these rule. There is some evidence that mixing meat and dairy can be hard on your digestion.
Which column does the animal go? Kosher foods Non- kosher foods
Super cool Summary Name 2 Jewish food laws What does Kosher mean? Name one thing you found interesting about this lesson? Write one question you still have.
http://misspiercejudaism.weebly.com/ Homework for 27/02/2015 – Complete the ‘what do you already know about Judaism and what would you like to know table on Weebly’