Definition, Overview, and Types Syllables Definition, Overview, and Types
Definition of syllables Syllables are the units of sounds that make up words. There are various rules of syllables in words. We will look at a few here.
Types of syllabic words Monosyllabic – 1 syllable words Disyllabic – 2 syllable words Trisyllabic – 3 syllable words Polysyllabic – 4+ syllable words
Rules of syllables There are a few rules regarding syllables: Every syllable in every word has 1 vowel sound. (It is important to note the difference between a vowel sound and a vowel. Sometimes vowel sounds don’t contain any vowels example- the word ‘why”)
Rules of syllables There are a few rules regarding syllables: Every word which has 2 or more syllables, has one syllable that has primary stress. Primary stress is when we place more emphasis on a particular syllable: Present (verb) Present (noun)
Find the primary stress Please find the primary stressed syllable in each case
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