Work Order System The Barren County Helpdesk uses a work order system to track work orders throughout the school district. Employees of the Barren County School District are able to submit work orders with a description of a problem they are having with their machine. The work order can then be viewed from the BC Technology Work Order page. Work orders are organized by school and date. Schools highlighted in green have no current work orders, while schools highlighted in red have five or more work orders. Work orders highlighted in green have been closed, while work orders in red have been open for 10 days or more. This lets us know where we need to focus our attention. On the side of the webpage we are able to track our stats. We are able to view how many work orders are currently open, how many work orders we have closed this month, how many work orders we have closed this semester, and how many work orders we have closed all time.
Work Order System One of the main features of our work order system is that we are able to search for past work orders to track trends in computer issues and user errors. For example, we can track trends in certain machines by searching the machine’s serial tag. We are also able to search user error trends, by searching a particular teacher we are able to see all of their past work orders. This allows us to recognize trends and act on these trends. For example, if we see that a particular teacher has problems with a certain software we are able to educate the user. This allows us to limit the total number of work orders by educating end users. Another way we limit work orders is by restricting teachers from downloading software onto their machines. This prevents from the inadvertent download of malware. This in turn have drastically reduced the number of malware related work orders
New Device Rollout In this picture, we are flipping a lab with new machines. We are replacing Optiplex 745’s with Optiplex 7010’s. We are constantly upgrading machines throughout the Barren County District We are currently trying to upgrade to nComputing L300’s, due to their efficiency. When we replace older machines with newer ones, we don’t just get rid of the machine. When the machines gets back to the Tech Office we then update and label them with “Needs A Home”.
Cable Management In this picture, we are organizing cables in our server room. By managing cables we are able to increase airflow to keep our servers cool. This allows for optimal performance Cable management is an important part of not only maintaining our server room but also maintaining computers throughout the school district.
Work Bench In this picture, we are receding RAM on a machine on the work bench. The work bench is an area in the Tech Office in which we repair machines. The work bench has monitors, keyboards, and mice for basic troubleshooting. We also have ample tools and spare parts that we can use to repair the machine.