John c. calhoun Senator from South Carolina Always defending Southern needs, tariffs or slavery
Henry clay Senator from Kentucky Known as the “Great Compromiser” for creating compromises that delayed the start of the Civil War
Daniel webster Known as the “Great Orator” who helped in writing the Compromise of 1850
Henry David Thoreau Writer who refused to pay taxes to protest the Mexican American War Example of Civil Disobedience
Frederick Douglass Former slave that attempted escape multiple times Writer to show the conditions of slavery Editor of the Liberator, an abolitionist paper
James monroe 5th President of the USA Monroe Doctrine: All European powers stay out of Latin America/Western Hemisphere
“Stonewall” jackson General for the Confederacy that trained troops very well Got nickname by his soldiers keeping a strong line during the first Battle of Bull Run
Susan b. anthony Leader of the women’s rights movement, especially for the women’s right to vote
Elizabeth cady stanton Another leader of women’s rights movement, also worked for abolitionists and other reforms
Sojourner truth Conductor along the Underground Railroad Outspoken abolitionist
John James audubon Drew wildlife Focused on birds and was the founder of the Audubon Society
Jefferson davis President of the South
Ulysses S. grant General of the Union (North)
Robert e. lee General of the South
William carney First African American winner of the Medal of Honor
Phillip bazaar First Hispanic winner of the Medal of Honor
Harriet tubman Conductor along the underground railroad
Hiram Rhodes revels First African American elected to the Senate in the United States
Lucretia Mott Abolitionist, reformer and leader of women’s rights movement Wrote Discourse for Women
William Lloyd garrison Newspaper editor for the abolitionist paper
Harriet Beecher Stowe Writer of Uncle Tom’s Cabin