Before the bell Put hymn book away Get ready for class!!! take your notebook out
Announcement: 1. HOMEWORK: , Notebook due :Quiz on definitions Important announcement: Have book covered by FRI morning. Bring all your textbook. If not covered you will get demerit.
Scientific method/Hypothesis Take note. Write down everything you see
Scientific Method 1. Ask questions observation leads to questions Form: How does ______ affect _______ 2. Hypothesize(Prediction) often in form of If I ________ then___________, because___________
3. Experiment: test your hypothesis 4 3. Experiment: test your hypothesis 4. Analyze result use data, pictures, graphs 5.Draw conclusions 6.Communicate result
Formula Question: How does IV(MV) affect DV(RV)? Hypothesis: If IV _________then RV will __________ ** IV – independent V = MV- manipulative V DV- dependent V = RV- responding V
practice 1. How does water affect plant height? IV: DV: Hypothesis:
practice 1. How does water affect plant height? IV: amount of water DV:plant height Hypothesis: if we increase the amount of water given to plant, then it will increase plant height, because plants need water to survive
Q: How does amount of time studying affect test score Q: How does amount of time studying affect test score? IV: DV: Hypothesis:
Q: How does amount of time studying affect test score Q: How does amount of time studying affect test score? IV: Amt of time studying DV: test score Hypothesis: if I increase amt of time studying, then, my test score will increase, because …….