Contemplation Questions 6-10 Twelfth Night Contemplation Questions 6-10
CQ 6 AFTER 2.3 Draw a diagram or chart that shows the characters and their relationships to each other.
CQ 7 AFTER 2.4 Think again about the views of love met in 2.4. Do you think there is a difference in the way men love and the way women love? Explain your answer. Do either Viola or Orsino express views about love that are similar to your own? Or do you have a position on this question different from both of these characters? Explain.
CQ 8 AFTER 2.5 Have you ever played a practical joke on someone, or been the victim of a practical joke? Tell about your experience, making parallels between what happened to you and what is happening to Malvolio. If you have never been involved in a practical joke, write about one you have heard of from a friend, relative, etc., or have seen or read in a book or movie. Make a list of all the epithets* that are used for characters in this scene (e.g. “rascally sheep- biter,” “overweening rogue”).
CQ 9 AFTER 3.3 Find lines that show how Viola and Orsino express love. (Write these out, WITH LINE NUMBERS!) Explain how Viola’s and Orsino’s methods of expressing love define their different personalities. Does Feste know that Cesario is a female? Explain.
CQ 10 after 3.5 Look at Antonio’s speech in 3.4. 384-89 (“But O, how vile an idol proves this god!” to “empty trunks o’erflourished by the devil”). Paraphrase it, comment on it, and give some of your own examples of what he is talking about.