Feudalism Good or Bad? Ms. Vignocchi 7th Grade World History Honors Cobalt Institute of Math and Science
Good Bad Not strong enough to united large regions and countries United lords & vassals Protected communities from violence & warfare Secured Western Europe’s society Kept out invaders Restored trade Lords repaired bridges & roads Knights arrested bandits Enforced laws Made it safer to travel Benefited Lords, Vassals, and peasants Lords get dependable fighting force Vassals get land Lords build Mills Peasants are protected Blacksmith shops Wood working shops Feudal ceremonies, oats, contracts shaped European government for future Power is shared and gave future ideas for limited government, constitutions, and civil rights Not strong enough to united large regions and countries Small feudal governments could not afford big projects like aqueducts, sewers, or fleets of ships NO STRONG CENTRAL GOVERNMENT to enforce laws – have peace Lords used war to force violence to get what they wanted Lords personal interest over others in land matters could be harsh People could not move up in class or society Serfs always remained a serf Lords got special treatment Serfs could NOT leave the manor without permission and must work 3 days to the lord to pay for the privilege of farming Serfs pay taxes on all uses on the lord’s land