Strategic Planning
To be sustainable, a club needs to be open to change and establish goals and plans for the future
Needs Assessment Form Form developed by Mentors to start the discussion of club revitalization Only a club can determine what they want to change and what the club is capable of accomplishing
Needs Assessment Form Membership - Recruit a diverse and broad range of members Make club activities fresh and varied Create inbound programs which are interesting to both the guests and your local members Try new concepts Leadership Development
Strategic Planning Process Identify club strengths & weaknesses (SWOT) Brainstorm ideas, consider best practices Establish goals, create plans, assign responsibilities Set priorities Create timeline, milestones and deadlines based on available resources (people, finances) Establish a budget Communicate strategic plan to the whole club Monitor progress
SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Establishing SMART Goals S Specific M Measureable A Attainable R Relevant T Time-bound