1) Warm Up! Above are examples of Black Codes/Jim Crow Laws and the effects on society. Explain how these laws kept African-Americans from gaining the rights that they were Constitutionally “guaranteed?”
Reconstruction & its Aftermath 8-4 The South During Reconstruction
New Groups Take Charge: African Americans in Government 2) the first… New Groups Take Charge: African Americans in Government Republican Party dominated southern politics b/c AA’s could vote & now run 4 office Lots of states where more former slaves than former slave-owners Never controlled the gov’t but… held important positions in it Nat’l Level- 16 AA’s served in H of Reps & 2 in the Senate b/t 1869-1880 Robert B Elliot African American Repubican Party Leader – 1870s Joseph Rainey First AA elected to the House of Reps Hiram Revels- AA Senator Ordained minister; recruited 4 Union Army, started school in St. Louis4 AA’s, elected to Senate in 1870 by Missouri Blanche K. Bruce- AA Senator Former runaway; became teacher in Missouri, 1869 became Superintendent in Mississippi, elected to Senate in 1874
New Groups Take Charge: Resistance to Reconstruction 3) Kept down how? New Groups Take Charge: Resistance to Reconstruction Most Southern whites hated idea of giving rts to AA’s Plantation owners tried 2 control AA’s any way they could Many told AA’s couldn’t leave plantation; still property No one would rent land to them Store owners refused to serve them Refused to give them work Used fear to keep them in line
Some Improvements Despite the violence… Created own schools Reconstruction brought change Esp. in education 4 both races AA’s saw it as step toward better life Created own schools Freedmen’s Bureau & charities played major role in spreading education N women and freed AA’s came to teach By 1870- 4,000 schools established w/ 200,000 students More than ½ teachers were AA’s
Some Improvements: Public Schools 4) Why more schools? Some Improvements: Public Schools 1870’s- began creating public school systems 4 both races Never existed before!!! Enrollment… 50% of white children 40% of AA children Northern Missionary Societies established academies for higher education for AA’s Some become colleges & universities Morehouse College, Atlanta U Most kids went to segregated schools Schools separated by race Only LA, FL, SC required integration, but laws not enforced
Some Improvements: Farming the Land AA’s also wanted land Some got it from Freedmen’s Bureau Most failed 2 get own land Only option was sharecropping, where land was rented & tools, seeds, maybe even a shack 2 live in was given in exchange 4 percentage of harvest After paying percentage… Very little left 2 sell Barely enough 2 feed family To most… This was barely better than slavery CC Reconstruction and Sharecropping (3mins) 5) Do you see this as an improvement?
Exit Ticket 11) Exit Ticket How were African Americans “kept down” in the post civil war society in the south? Give examples