Getting to know Mr. Irving
Here are some fun facts: Birthday: September 30 3 brothers, 2 sisters 5 nieces, 0 nephews 9th year teaching at Good Hope (all in grades 4-5) Mom’s name is Mary. My dad’s name is John. I LOVE Twix candy bars Used to work as a summer camp counselor for 5 years during college
….and a few more facts Born and raised in Riverside, CA Attended Harrison Elementary School 4th grade teacher - Mrs. Johnson. Favorite subject – math Attended Chemawa Middle School, Temecula Valley High School Graduated from California State University San Marcos Master’s degree from Concordia University
Some of my hobbies include: Mountain biking Snowboarding designing buildings Solving problems Hiking and climbing Sports sports, sports!
Why I wanted to be a teacher: I chose to be a teacher because I really enjoy helping other people, especially kids. I like to help people realize their potential. This means I help people see what they’re able to do in life.
You know, I’m quite the traveler: I’ve traveled to Mexico, Japan, Canada, Germany, South Korea, France, Italy, England, and Austria. I’ve also traveled all over the U.S.A. including Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Hawaii, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and many more states. I’ve seen most of California as well.
Oh yeah…. I love to work, but I also love to go on lots of adventures and learn new things every single day, like rock climbing.
Now you know everything there is to know about me, or do you? “Having a strong education is the foundation to a happy life” -Mr. Irving