Basic Electrical Measurements Elliott
The instruments that are of most use to the physicist and the electrical engineer are the voltmeter and ammeter. With these, we can directly measure: Potential Difference (or voltage) Current.
Resistance (volts ÷ amps); Basic Calculations We can then use the data to get: Resistance (volts ÷ amps); Power (volts × amps).
The multimeter is often used, as it can measure voltage and current (but not at the same time). Task: Use your Equipment to Create a circuit with a working component. Change the rheostat to three different values. Calculate the power and resistance for each. Present your results in a table.
Circuit Diagrams You do not have to be an artist to draw a circuit diagram, but follow these simple rules: Use a pencil and a ruler; Draw the lines horizontally and vertically; Ensure that all the components are there, including the power supply; Use the correct symbols; Where there are junctions (wires joined together), there is a black circle, which represents a blob of solder.
Draw The Following Diagrams Two bulbs in, a variable resistor, a bank of three cells. 2. A bank of Two cells, a motor and a bulb in parallel and a fixed resistor. 3. One cell, a motor, buzzer and bulb in parallel, a voltmeter reading the potential difference of the bulb and an ammeter.
Challenge You will each be given the following equipment: A motor, a bank of cells, a voltmeter, an ammeter, thread, blue tack, a timer. Calculate the power of the motor.