1. Integers and Decimals
Integers and Decimals Assumed knowledge understand and use positive numbers and negative integers, both as positions and translations on the number line round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 check answers to a division sum using multiplication, eg use inverse operations multiply and divide whole numbers by a given multiple of 10 put digits in the correct place in a decimal number understand and order integers and decimals add, subtract, multiply and divide integers, negative numbers and decimals Reference material Text chapter 2 page 13 10 Ticks Level 9 Pack 1 page 3-4 MEP book 6 Number systems section 7
Integers and Decimals learning objectives: use brackets and BIDMAS (1.3) understand and order integers and decimals (4.1) add, subtract, multiply and divide integers, negative numbers and decimals (4.2) multiply and divide by any number between 0 and 1 (4.2) multiply and divide decimals by whole numbers an decimal numbers (up to 2 dp) eg 266.22 ÷ 0.34 (4.2) round decimals to an appropriate number of decimal places (4.3) round decimals to an appropriate number of significant figure (4.4) check you answers by rounding (estimates) (4.5, 4.6) know that eg 13.5 ÷ 0.5 = 135 ÷ 5 Reference Material Text: 10 Ticks: MEP:
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